Operator list for FloPoCo version 4.1

Shifters, Leading Zero Counters, etc

A classical barrel shifter. The output size is computed.
wIn (int)
input size in bits
maxShift (int)
maximum shift distance in bits
dir (bool)
0=left, 1=right
A classical barrel shifter. The output size is computed.
wIn (int)
input size in bits
A combined leading zero/one counter and shifter, useful for floating-point normalization.
wIn (int)
input size in bits
wOut (int)
output size in bits
wCount (int)
size in bits of the count output
computeSticky (bool) (optional, default value is false)
if false the shifted-out bits are discarded, if true they are ORed into a sticky bit which is output
countType (int) (optional, default value is -1)
0 to count zeroes, 1 to count ones, -1 to have a dynamic OZb input that tells what to count

Basic integer operators (pipelined)

Integer adder. In modern VHDL, integer addition is expressed by a + and one usually needn't define an entity for it. However, this operator will be pipelined if the addition is too large to be performed at the target frequency.
wIn (int)
input size in bits
arch (int) (optional, default value is -1)
-1 for automatic, 0 for classical, 1 for alternative, 2 for short latency
optObjective (int) (optional, default value is 2)
0 to optimize for logic, 1 to optimize for register, 2 to optimize for slice/ALM count
SRL (bool) (optional, default value is true)
optimize for shift registers
An integer comparator.
wIn (int)
input size in bits
criteria (int)
-2=lesser than, -1=lesser or equal, 0=equal, 1=greater or equal, 2=greater
constant (bool)
constValue (int)
the value to compare to
Pipelined dual adder/subtractor
wIn (int)
input size in bits
opType (int)
1=compute X-Y and X+Y, 2=compute X-Y and Y-X
A pipelined integer multiplier.
wX (int)
size of input X
wY (int)
size of input Y
wOut (int) (optional, default value is 0)
size of the output if you want a truncated multiplier. 0 for full multiplier
signedIO (bool) (optional, default value is false)
inputs and outputs can be signed or unsigned
superTile (bool) (optional, default value is false)
if true, attempts to use the DSP adders to chain sub-multipliers. This may entail lower logic consumption, but higher latency.
A pipelined integer squarer.
wIn (int)
size of input in bits

Basic floating-point Operators

A correctly rounded floating-point adder.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
sub (bool) (optional, default value is false)
implement a floating-point subtractor instead of an adder
dualPath (bool) (optional, default value is false)
use a dual-path algorithm, more expensive but shorter latency
Single-path is lower hardware, longer latency than dual-path.
The difference between single-path and dual-path is well explained in textbooks such as Ercegovac and Lang's Digital Arithmetic, or Muller et al's Handbook of floating-point arithmetic.
A fused floating-point adder and subtracter, computes both a+b and a-b.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
Floating-point adder with dual-path architecture. Trades a larger circuit size for a smaller latency.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
A 3-operand floating-point adder.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
A floating-point adder with a new, more compact single-path architecture.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
A floating-point adder with a new, more compact single-path architecture.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
A floating-point multiplier. The actual FloPoCo component supports different input and output sizes, but this is not available from the command line.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
input's mantissa size in bits
wFout (int) (optional, default value is 0)
output's mantissa size in bits (if 0 or ommitted, will be equal to wFIn)
A floating-point squarer, using IntSquarer for the mantissa.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF_in (int)
input's mantissa size in bits
wF_out (int)
output's mantissa size in bits
A correctly rounded floating-point division.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
radix (int) (optional, default value is 0)
Can be 0, 4 or 8. Default 0 means: let FloPoCo choose between 4 and 8. In your context, the other choice may have a better area/speed trade-offs
The algorithm used here is the division by digit recurrence (SRT). In radix 4, we use a maximally redundant digit set. In radix 8, we use split-digits in [-10,10], and a bit of prescaling.
A correctly rounded floating-point square root function.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits

Multipliers and dividers by constants

Floating-point constant multiplier using the shift-and-add approach.
wE_in (int)
input exponent width
wF_in (int)
input significand part width
wE_out (int)
output exponent width
wF_out (int)
output significand width
constant (string)
constant in sollya formalism (e.g. "cos(3*pi/2)" or "13176795b-22")
cst_width (int) (optional, default value is 0)
constant precision. If set to zero, the actual width will be computed in order to get a faithful result.
An early version of the technique used is described in this article.
Correctly rounded floating-point multiplier by a rational constant.
wE_in (int)
input exponent width
wF_in (int)
input significand part width
wE_out (int)
output exponent width
wF_out (int)
output significand width
a (int)
b (int)
The technique used is described in this article.
Table based real multiplier for floating points input.
wE (int)
exponent width
wF (int)
significand width
constant (string)
constant given in arbitrary-precision decimal, or as a Sollya expression, e.g "log(2)"
KCM is a table-based method well suited to LUT-based FPGAs. It is due to Ken Chapman who published it in 1994.
Integer divider by a small constant.
wIn (int)
input size in bits
d (int)
small integer to divide by
arch (int) (optional, default value is 0)
architecture used -- 0 for linear-time, 1 for log-time
remainderOnly (bool) (optional, default value is false)
if true, the architecture doesn't output the quotient
alpha (int) (optional, default value is -1)
Algorithm uses radix 2^alpha. -1 choses a sensible default.
This operator is described, for arch=0, in this article, and for arch=1, in this article.
Correctly rounded floating-point divider by a small constant.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
d (int)
small integer to divide by
dExp (int) (optional, default value is 0)
binary exponent of d (the operator will divide by d.2^dExp)
alpha (int) (optional, default value is -1)
Algorithm uses radix 2^alpha. -1 choses a sensible default.
Correct rounding to the nearest (if you want other rounding modes contact us). This operator is described in this article.
Table based real multiplier. Output size is computed
signedInput (bool)
0=unsigned, 1=signed
msbIn (int)
weight associated to most significant bit (including sign bit)
lsbIn (int)
weight associated to least significant bit
lsbOut (int)
weight associated to output least significant bit
constant (string)
constant given in arbitrary-precision decimal, or as a Sollya expression, e.g "log(2)"
targetUlpError (real) (optional, default value is 1.0)
required precision on last bit. Should be strictly greater than 0.5 and lesser than 1
This variant of Ken Chapman's Multiplier is briefly described in this article.
Special constants, such as 0 or powers of two, are handled efficiently.
Table-based complex multiplier. Inputs are two's complement. Output size is computed
msbIn (int)
weight associated to most significant bit (including sign bit)
lsbIn (int)
weight associated to least significant bit
lsbOut (int)
weight associated to output least significant bit
constantRe (string)
real part of the constant, given as a Sollya expression, e.g "log(2)"
constantIm (string)
imaginary part of the constant, given as a Sollya expression, e.g "log(2)"

Composite floating-point operators

Accumulator of floating-point numbers into a large fixed-point accumulator. CURRENTLY BROKEN, contact us if you want to use it
wEX (int)
the width of the exponent
wFX (int)
the width of the fractional part
MaxMSBX (int)
the weight of the MSB of the expected exponent of X
MSBA (int)
the weight of the least significand bit of the accumulator
LSBA (int)
the weight of the most significand bit of the accumulator
Kulisch-like accumulator of floating-point numbers into a large fixed-point accumulator. By tuning the MaxMSB_in, LSB_acc and MSB_acc parameters to a given application, rounding error may be reduced to a provably arbitrarily low level, at a very small hardware cost compared to using a floating-point adder for accumulation.
For details on the technique used and an example of application, see this article
Post-normalisation unit for FPLargeAcc.
wE_out (int)
the width of the output exponent
wF_out (int)
the width of the output fractional part
MSBA (int)
the weight of the most significand bit of the accumulator
LSBA (int)
the weight of the least significand bit of the accumulator
Converts the (fixed-point) output of FPLargeAcc or FPDotProduct (with the same parameters) into a floating-point number.
For details on the technique used and an example of application, see this article
Floating-point dot product unit based on FPLargeAcc
wE (int)
the width of the exponent for the inputs X and Y
wFX (int)
the width of the fraction for the input X
wFY (int)
the width of the fraction for the input Y
MaxMSBX (int)
maximum expected weight of the MSB of the summand
MSBA (int)
The weight of the LSB of the accumulator determines the final accuracy of the result
LSBA (int)
The weight of the MSB of the accumulator has to greater than that of the maximal expected result
Kulisch-like dot product operator. It feeds a long accumulator with the unrounded result of a floating-point multiplier, thus removing rounding errors from the multiplication as well.

Composite fixed-point operators

Elementary functions in fixed- or floating-Point

A faithful floating-point exponential function.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
d (int) (optional, default value is 0)
degree of the polynomial. 0 choses a sensible default.
k (int) (optional, default value is 0)
input size to the range reduction table, should be between 5 and 15. 0 choses a sensible default.
g (int) (optional, default value is -1)
number of guard bits
Parameter d and k control the DSP/RamBlock tradeoff. In both cases, a value of 0 choses a sensible default. Parameter g is mostly for internal use.
For all the details, see this article.
Floating-point logarithm using an iterative method.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits
inTableSize (int) (optional, default value is 0)
The input size to the tables, in bits, between 6 and 16. 0 choses a a sensible value
For details on the technique used, see this article and this research report.
A floating-point power function.
wE (int)
exponent size in bits for both inputs
wF (int)
mantissa size in bits for both inputs
logSizeTable (int) (optional, default value is 0)
The table size input for the log in bits
type (int) (optional, default value is 0)
type of power function (0 pow - 1 powr. See IEEE754-2008)
expTableSize (int) (optional, default value is 0)
The table size input for the exponent in bit
expDegree (int) (optional, default value is 0)
For all the details, see this article
Computes (1-2^(-w)) sin(pi*x) and (1-2^(-w)) cos(pi*x) for x in -[1,1[, using tables and multipliers.
lsb (int)
weight of the LSB of the input and outputs
For a fixed-point 2's complement input x in [-1,1[, calculates (1-2^(lsbIn))*{sin,cos}(pi*x) using a table- and multiplier-based technique.
For more details, see
this article.
Computes (1-2^(-w)) sin(pi*x) and (1-2^(-w)) cos(pi*x) for x in -[1,1[, using CORDIC algorithm
lsb (int)
weight of the LSB of the input and outputs
reducedIterations (int) (optional, default value is 0)
If 1, number of iterations will be reduced at the cost of two multiplications.
This is a classical CORDIC, implemented the FloPoCo way: it is last-bit accurate, hopefully at the minimum cost.
For more details, see this article.
Computes atan(x/y) as a=(angle in radian)/pi so a in [-1,1[.
lsb (int)
weight of the LSB of both inputs and outputs
method (int)
parameter select between: InvMultAtan with approximations of the corresponding degree (0..7), plain CORDIC (8), CORDIC with scaling (9), a method using surface approximation (10), Taylor approximation of order 1 (11) and 2 (12)
For more details, see this article.

Arbitrary function approximators

Evaluator of function f on [0,1) or [-1,1), depending on signedIn, using a table.
f (string)
function to be evaluated between double-quotes, for instance "exp(x*x)"
signedIn (bool)
true if the function input is [-1,1), false if it is [0,1)
lsbIn (int)
weight of input LSB, for instance -8 for an 8-bit input
msbOut (int)
weight of output MSB
lsbOut (int)
weight of output LSB
This operator uses a table to store function values.
Evaluator of function f on [0,1) or [-1,1), using a single polynomial with Horner scheme
f (string)
function to be evaluated between double-quotes, for instance "exp(x*x)"
lsbIn (int)
weight of input LSB, for instance -8 for an 8-bit input
msbOut (int)
weight of output MSB
lsbOut (int)
weight of output LSB
signedIn (bool) (optional, default value is true)
defines the input range : [0,1) if false, and [-1,1) otherwise
This operator uses a table for coefficients, and Horner evaluation with truncated multipliers sized just right.
For more details, see this article.
Evaluator of function f on [0,1), using a piecewise polynomial of degree d with Horner scheme.
f (string)
function to be evaluated between double-quotes, for instance "exp(x*x)"
lsbIn (int)
weight of input LSB, for instance -8 for an 8-bit input
msbOut (int)
weight of output MSB
lsbOut (int)
weight of output LSB
d (int)
degree of the polynomial
approxErrorBudget (real) (optional, default value is 0.25)
error budget in ulp for the approximation, between 0 and 0.5
This operator uses a table for coefficients, and Horner evaluation with truncated multipliers sized just right.
For more details, see this article.
A function evaluator using the multipartite method.
f (string)
function to be evaluated between double-quotes, for instance "exp(x*x)"
nbTables (int)
the number of tables used to decompose the function, between 2 (bipartite) to 4 or 5 for large input sizes
lsbIn (int)
weight of input LSB, for instance -8 for an 8-bit input
msbOut (int)
weight of output MSB
lsbOut (int)
weight of output LSB
signedIn (bool) (optional, default value is false)
defines the input range : [0,1) if false, and [-1,1) otherwise
This operator uses the multipartite table method as introduced in this article, with the improvement described in this article.
Helper/Debug feature, does not generate VHDL. Polynomial approximation of function f, accurate to targetAcc on [0,1)
f (string)
function to be evaluated between double-quotes, for instance "exp(x*x)"
targetAcc (real)
the target approximation errror of the polynomial WRT the function
signedIn (bool) (optional, default value is true)
defines the input range : [0,1) if false, and [-1,1) otherwise
g (int) (optional, default value is -1)
the number of guardbits added. Using -1 gives sensible default
Helper/Debug feature, does not generate VHDL. Uniformly segmented piecewise polynomial approximation of function f, accurate to targetAcc on [0,1)
f (string)
function to be evaluated between double-quotes, for instance "exp(x*x)"
targetAcc (real)
the target approximation errror of the polynomial WRT the function
d (int)
the degree to use

Conversions between number systems

Conversion from FloPoCo floating-point to fixed-point.
signed (bool) (optional, default value is true)
can be false if all numbers will be positive
MSB (int)
weight of the MSB of the output
LSB (int)
weight of LSB of the input
wE (int)
output exponent size in bits
wF (int)
output mantissa size in bits
Conversion from FloPoCo floating-point to fixed-point.
wE (int)
input exponent size in bits
wF (int)
input mantissa size in bits
signed (bool) (optional, default value is true)
can be false if all numbers will be positive
MSB (int)
weight of the MSB of the output
LSB (int)
weight of LSB of the output
trunc (bool) (optional, default value is true)
true means truncated (cheaper), false means rounded
Conversion from IEEE-754-like to FloPoCo floating-point formats. Subnormals are all flushed to zero at the moment.
wEIn (int)
input exponent size in bits
wFIn (int)
input mantissa size in bits
wEOut (int)
output exponent size in bits
wFOut (int)
output mantissa size in bits
Conversion from FloPoCo to IEEE-754-like floating-point formats.
wEIn (int)
input exponent size in bits
wFIn (int)
input mantissa size in bits
wEOut (int)
output exponent size in bits
wFOut (int)
output mantissa size in bits
onlyPositiveZeroes (bool) (optional, default value is false)
when true, normalize +0 and -0 to +0

Filters and FFTs

A fix-point Finite Impulse Filter generator.
lsbInOut (int)
integer size in bits
rescale (bool) (optional, default value is false)
If true, divides all coefficient by 1/sum(|coeff|)
coeff (string)
colon-separated list of real coefficients using Sollya syntax. Example: coeff="1.234567890123:sin(3*pi/8)"
For more details, see this article.
A fix-point Sum of Product by Constants.
lsbIn (int)
input's last significant bit
lsbOut (int)
output's last significant bit
coeff (string)
colon-separated list of real coefficients using Sollya syntax. Example: coeff="1.234567890123:sin(3*pi/8)"
A fix-point Infinite Impulse Response filter generator.
lsbIn (int)
input most significant bit
lsbOut (int)
output least significant bit
H (real) (optional, default value is 0)
worst-case peak gain. if 0, it will be computed by the WCPG library
Heps (real) (optional, default value is 0)
worst-case peak gain of the feedback loop. if 0, it will be computed by the WCPG library
coeffa (string)
colon-separated list of real coefficients using Sollya syntax. Example: coeffa="1.234567890123:sin(3*pi/8)"
coeffb (string)
colon-separated list of real coefficients using Sollya syntax. Example: coeffb="1.234567890123:sin(3*pi/8)"

Test Benches

Behavorial test bench for the preceding operator.
n (int) (optional, default value is -2)
number of random tests. If n=-2, an exhaustive test is generated (use only for small operators)
file (bool) (optional, default value is true)
Inputs and outputs are stored in file test.input (lower VHDL compilation time). If false, they are stored in the VHDL
Wraps the preceding operator between registers (for frequency testing).


A tester for operators.
Operator (string)
name of the operator to test, All if we need to test all the operators
Dependences (bool) (optional, default value is false)
test the operator's dependences


A tool for FPDiv to compute where to truncate both partial remainder and divider.
radix (int)
It has to be 2^n
digitSet (int)
the range you allow for each digit [-digitSet, digitSet]
A dummy operator useful when designing a new Target
type (int) (optional, default value is 0)
when 0, build an adder of size 32
This operator is for FloPoCo developers only.
Synthesize this operator, then look at its critical path.
Also see Target.hpp.
An heavily commented example operator to start with FloPoCo.
param0 (int) (optional, default value is 16)
A first parameter, here used as the input size
param1 (int)
A second parameter, here used as the output size
Feel free to experiment with its code, it will not break anything in FloPoCo.
Also see the developper manual in the doc/ directory of FloPoCo.